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Showing posts from September, 2018

Pondering Sports from the Sidelines

Sometime I think that sports are the just the parent’s way of getting this obnoxious child out of the house for an hour every day. As for my family, sports was a foreign, alien thing that we watched somewhat trepidatiously from afar. My career in sports was—and still is—not impressive. I’ve danced since I was three, on-and-off because we travelled a lot. My sister and I started swim as soon as my mother could trust us not to scream and flail once our toes touched the water. Since then, a few bruises and scrapes, several running and other dance programs later, I still have not touched a football, my experience with golf is the miniature sort, and my basketball-playing friends think I’m hilarious. It’s a problem parents throughout the United States have faced. Almost every parent has asked themselves: should we force our children into sports?  The children will learn from the experience. Without sports, children may not develop the habits needed to thrive later in life. Psychiat...